DMCA Policy

Let us know if someone used your work on our platform without asking. Here’s what you should do:

Explain why you think your stuff shouldn’t be on our site and confirm that you own the copyright or can speak for the owner.

If we mistakenly took down your promotion, you can ask to have it put back. Say what was removed and where it was.

Please provide us with your contact info again so we can help.

Say why you think we made a mistake in taking down your stuff.

Also, agree to follow copyright rules and our site’s terms. Email your notice or disagreement to [email protected].

Let's share your notes and answers with everyone in the argument.

We might take down or limit access to the argued content if we get clear notice. Doing this a lot might stop someone from using our site.

If you have any worries or need more about our DMCA Policy, please get in touch with our Copyright Department.

Using our site means you follow our rules about who owns what.

If you have any questions or concerns about our DMCA Policy, please contact our Copyright Department at [email protected].